NB: These rules are outdated, and have not yet been updated by the CIO now known as NBKA. They will be updated once the new rules are ratified by the board of trustees. 2023-06-21
1. The Association shall be known as the Norfolk Beekeepers’ Association (NBKA).
2. The aims of the Association shall be to encourage, improve and advance the craft of beekeeping in all its aspects.
3. The Association shall be affiliated to the British Beekeepers’ Association. The Association, together with West Norfolk and King’s Lynn Beekeepers’ Association (WNKLBA) shall form the Federation of Norfolk Beekeepers (FNB).
4. The Association shall publish annually the Yearbook of the FNB.
5. The Association shall consist of President, Vice-Presidents, Ordinary Members and Honorary Life Members. Only ordinary members and Honorary Life Members shall have the power to vote on any matters discussed at General Meetings.
6. The management of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee. The Executive shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and 10 additional members; 14 in total. The Executive shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and meet at least bi-monthly. Six members shall be necessary for a quorum.
7. The Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be voting members of the Association. The duties of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be governed by their Terms of Reference. Either of these offices may be combined at the discretion of the Executive.
8. Such honoraria as may be paid to these, and for any other Officers, shall be approved by the AGM.
9. Membership of the Executive shall be open to any Ordinary Member whose nomination has been formally proposed and seconded. The Executive itself shall be empowered to nominate members to the Committee. All such nominations are to be deposited with the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM.
10. The 10 additional members of the Executive shall serve for a period of three years, and then be eligible for re-election.
11. The Executive shall have the power to co-opt additional members as it sees fit, who shall serve until the following AGM. Only elected members of the Committee shall have voting rights. It shall be empowered to appoint from the Executive such other positions and sub-committees as it deems necessary for its efficient working. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are to be ex-officio members of all such sub-committees.
12. To assist in the smooth running of the FNB, a member of WNKLBA shall serve on the Executive of NBKA; likewise a member of the NBKA Executive shall serve on the Executive of the WNKLBA. Such appointments shall be approved by both Associations. The same person may serve in each capacity providing he/she is a member of both Associations. Such an appointment may be in addition to the 14-strong Executive, and shall be approved by the AGM.
13. Members of the Executive shall not vote nor, without the express permission of the meeting, take part in discussions on any debate in which he/she has any financial interest. Such interest must be declared before discussion begins. Failure to observe this requirement may result in disqualification from the Executive.
14. The Executive shall have the power to expel any member who offends against the rules of the Association, or whose conduct, in the opinion of the Executive, renders him/her unfit for membership. Before any such member is expelled, the Secretary shall give him/her 7 days written notice to attend a meeting of the Executive and shall inform him/her of the complaints made against him/her. No member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity of appearing before the Executive to answer complaints made against him/her. An expulsion must carry at least two thirds of the votes of the Executive members present.
15. When the Executive makes a decision affecting an individual member of the Association, it should notify the member of its decision in writing as soon as possible.
16. An AGM shall be held before the end of March each year. Extra-ordinary General Meetings shall be called by the Secretary at written request of not less than 10% of the membership. Such a request must be accompanied by the reason for calling such a Meeting.
17. At least 14 days notice must be given to members before any General Meeting is called.
18. The appointment of President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Honorary Life Members shall be made at the AGM. The President and Vice-Presidents need not necessarily be members of the Association.
19. Membership shall be obtained by completing the required form and forwarding it together with the appropriate subscription to the Membership Secretary or Treasurer.
20. The Association’s affiliation to the British Beekeepers’ Association gives all members, with the exception of Social and Junior members, cover for Public Liability Insurance. The fee for this is included in the Annual Subscription.
21. The Association has agreed to support Bee Diseases Insurance Limited. The fees for this Insurance, for Foul Brood, covers the first 3 hives of each member and is recoverable from every member, even those without bees, in the Annual Subscription.
22. The annual subscription for the Association shall be set by the Committee and will be approved at the AGM.
23. Honorary Life Members are exempted from Rules 19, 20 and 21.
24. Social members are exempted from Rules 19 and 20. Social members will have no voting rights. The fee will be the NBKA annual subscription.
25. Junior Members are those who have not reached their 18th birthday by the previous December 31st. Their Annual Subscription shall be one half of the fees due under Rules 19 and 20.
26. New Members’ Subscriptions shall be in accordance with Rules 19, 20 and 21.
27. Re-joining Members’ Subscriptions shall be treated as New Members.
28. Members who have not paid their subscriptions by 31st January will be considered to have left the Association.
29. The Executive may increase the minimum Subscription set out in Rule 21 at an AGM for one year unless extended at the next AGM.
30. The Executive may at its last meeting each year consider a Rebate to Members, having due regard to the financial position of the Association. A decision to make such a rebate must be supported by the Chairman and Treasurer and be in increments of £2.50. The rebate would apply to continuing Membership of the NBKA whose Subscriptions cover the requirements of Rules 19, 20 and 21.
31. Membership of the Association entitles all Members to partake in the activities organized by both the NBKA and the WNKLBA.
31. The Association, subject to the approval of the AGM, shall have the power to approve the formation of branches of the Association. Such branches shall appoint their own committees to work in close association with the parent body to whom lists of members and balance sheets must be submitted at times requested by the parent body. The Association, subject to the approval of a General Meeting, shall have the power to discontinue membership of a branch of the Association.
32. Each branch association shall be represented on the Executive of the parent association by its Secretary or Appointee, the representative being in addition to the members of the Executive.
33. Branch Associations shall not have the power to pledge the parent Association financially or otherwise.
34. Branch Associations may fix their own Annual Subscriptions, which must include payments as are required by the Parent Association. Such payments, e.g. affiliation and insurance payments, must be paid to the Treasurer of the Parent Association as soon as convenient after receipt thereof.
35. The parent Association shall be empowered to make such grants to branch Associations as are recommended at the discretion of the Executive and approved by the AGM.
36. The Association shall hold, annually, at least one public exhibition /honey show with related products. Such shows and sales shall be governed by the exhibition regulations obtainable on request from the Show Co-ordinator. The aims of such exhibitions shall not only be competitive but also educational.
37. The Association will award each year, if appropriate, the Jeff Rounce Silver Salver to a member who is considered by the Executive to have achieved a high standard of beekeeping; has helped to support or promote the craft, and is a loyal and participating member of the Association. Association Members will be invited to propose candidates by written nomination by the close of the Royal Norfolk Show each year.
38. Any amendments or additions to these rules shall only be approved by members at an AGM provided that details of proposed amendments or additions have been received by the Secretary not less than 14 days before the AGM.